recruitment experience, software engineer, enosis solutions,

Recruitment Stories - Sabera's Experience at Enosis Solutions

Tahanima Chowdhury Tahanima Chowdhury Jun 25, 2020 · 1 min read · Hits
Recruitment Stories - Sabera's Experience at Enosis Solutions
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Sabera Mahmud Promee is currently working as a Software Engineer at Enosis Solutions. She completed her undergraduate studies at the Institute of Information Technology, Jahangirnagar University, where she was actively involved in competitive programming. Sabera won the National Girls Programming Contest 2018 and the NSU Inter University Girls Programming Contest 2019.

This article shares Sabera’s experience of landing a job at Enosis Solutions, providing insights for anyone who is preparing for a similar opportunity.

During her final year at JU, Sabera gave her resume to an acquaintance who was working at Enosis Solutions. He forwarded her resume and recommended her for the job. After a few days, Sabera was notified of her selection and underwent the following recruitment phases:

Phase 1: Written Test

The written test consisted of fifteen questions to be answered within an hour. It covered topics such as analytical ability, basic programming, and software testing. Sabera did not prepare for the test since it covered mostly basic concepts. However, she found it somewhat challenging to answer all the questions within the given time constraint.

Sabera performed well on the written test and was invited to the next phase.

Phase 2: Coding Test

The coding test lasted for one hour and was assessed by one of the Senior Associates of Enosis Solutions. Sabera was given two problems to solve and was only allowed to code up the solutions in C++. The Senior Associate observed her approach to the problems and tested the solutions after she was done. Both solutions gave correct outputs.

Sabera did not need to prepare significantly for the coding test due to her experience solving coding problems in C++ as part of her training for competitive programming. Her coding test went well and she ultimately received an offer from Enosis Solutions.

Special thanks to Sabera Mahmud Promee for taking out the time to share her recruitment experience with me.

Tahanima Chowdhury
Written by Tahanima Chowdhury Follow
Tahanima is the author of this blog. She is an avid contributor to open source projects and has over six years of experience working as an SQA Engineer at Therap (BD) Ltd. She also held positions at HackerRank as a Challenge Creator and as a Technical Writer.