Maliha Tasnim Aurini is currently employed as a Software Quality Assurance Engineer at Enosis Solutions. Additionally, she is pursuing a Master’s degree in Information Technology at the Institute of Information Technology, University of Dhaka. Maliha completed her Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Engineering from BRAC University and worked as a Student Tutor during her final year at BRACU.
This article shares Maliha’s experience of landing a job at Enosis Solutions, providing insights for someone preparing to do the same.
Maliha applied to Enosis Solutions through the company’s website and was notified about her selection within a few days. She then went through the following recruitment phases:
Phase 1: Written Test
The written test consisted of three parts:
- Part 1: Four analytical and mathematical questions covering mainly geometry and algebra.
- Part 2: Six coding questions covering string manipulation, loops, and basic OOP concepts.
- Part 3: Five software testing questions.
Since there were a good number of questions that needed to be answered within an hour, Maliha found it challenging to effectively allocate time to all the questions. Nevertheless, she performed well and was invited to the next phase.
Phase 2: Interview
During the interview, Maliha was given a software to test within 15 minutes. After completing the test, she was asked questions about her findings, her reasoning behind the findings, and her strategies. Additionally, she was questioned about software testing concepts such as black box testing, white box testing, and more. She also answered a few questions about her previous job experiences. Maliha performed well in the interview and eventually received an offer from Enosis Solutions.
Special thanks to Maliha Tasnim Aurini for taking out the time to share her recruitment experience with me. If you have any queries, feel free to contact her at