competitive programming,

Runner Up in Girls' Programming Contest Arranged By BdOSN

Tahanima Chowdhury Tahanima Chowdhury Aug 30, 2019 · 1 min read · Hits
Runner Up in Girls' Programming Contest Arranged By BdOSN
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Bangladesh Open Source Network (BdOSN) held the Girls’ Programming Contest 2019 on 23rd July 2019, as part of the celebration for the 50th anniversary of the first humans landing on the Moon. Although the contest was open to everyone, only the top 5 ranked females were declared winners and given prizes.

I participated in the contest and was one of those 5 females who were declared as winners. In particular, I came out as the runner-up.

Participating in programming contests is always enjoyable, regardless of how well I perform. It’s even better when I turn out to be one of the winners and receive prizes. I was extremely excited to receive my prizes for this particular contest.

This isn’t the first time BdOSN has organized a programming contest aimed at females. In fact, they have actively arranged various programming contests in the past to encourage female participation. Some examples include Ada Lovelace Online Programming Contest, Girls in ICT Online Contest 2017, and Girls in ICT: Online Contest, 2016. I sincerely appreciate their efforts, and I’m happy to have participated in some of their contests.

Tahanima Chowdhury
Written by Tahanima Chowdhury Follow
Tahanima is the author of this blog. She is an avid contributor to open source projects and has over six years of experience working as an SQA Engineer at Therap (BD) Ltd. She also held positions at HackerRank as a Challenge Creator and as a Technical Writer.